| | | | |
Sau ID | SAU Name | Contact | Admin Phone | Admin Email |
408 | Ledyard Charter School | Wendy Kozak | 603-727-4772 | wkozak@ledyardcharterschool.org |
409 | Strong Foundations Charter School | Beth McClure | 603-225-2715 | bmcclure@sfnh.org |
410 | CSI Charter School | Marcia Rollins | 603-753-0194 | mrollins@csicharterschool.org |
411 | Academy for Science and Design Charter School | AngelaC Clark | 603-595-4705 | angela.clark@asdnh.org |
412 | Virtual Learning Academy Charter School | Sabina Silva | 603-778-2500 | ssilva@vlacs.org |
416 | Mill Falls Charter School | Meryl Levin | 603-232-5176 | meryl.levin@millfalls.org |
417 | The Birches Academy of Academics & Art A Public Charter Sch | Jessica Wachsman | 603-458-6399 | jessicaw@birchesacademy.org |
418 | Making Community Connections Charter School | Vickie Nason | 603-935-7488 | Vickie.nason@mc2school.org |
419 | Polaris Charter School | Jennifer Murdock-Smith | 603-231-3552 | j.murdocksmith@polarischarterschool.org |
420 | Robert Frost Charter School | Rebekah Bushey | 603-356-6332 | rbushey@robertfrostcharterschool.org |
422 | Next Charter School | Clifton Dancy | 603-432-1224 | cdancy@sau10.org |
423 | The Founders Academy Charter School | CassieD Hayes | | cassie.hayes@tfanh.org |
425 | Gate City Charter School For the Arts | Paige Duval | 603-943-5273 | duvalp@gccs-nh.org |
426 | Arts Academy of New Hampshire Chartered Public High School | FionaM Coomey | 603-912-4944 | f.coomey@artsacademynh.org |
427 | Mountain Village Charter School | Alfie Eden Kerr | 603-536-3900 | admin@mountainvillagecharterschool.org |
429 | Compass Classical Academy Charter School | Samantha Millis | 603-729-3370 | smillis@compassclassicalacademy.com |
430 | MicroSociety Academy Charter School Foundation | Amy Bottomly | 603-595-7877 | abottomley@macsnh.org |
432 | Kreiva Academy Public Charter School | Lisa Cohen | 603-232-7974 | lcohen@kreiva.org |
433 | Seacoast Classical Academy Chartered Public School | Timothy Galitski | 603-691-5429 | tgalitski@seacoastclassical.org |
434 | Windham Academy Public Charter School | Sara Amacio | 603-236-7900 | sara.amacio@windhamacademy.org |
435 | Synergy Academy Chartered Public School | Sarah Koutroubas | 603-856-7067 | skoutroubas.synergyacademynh@gmail.com |
437 | Spark Academy of Advanced Technologies | JenniferK Larochelle | 603-316-1170 | jennifer.larochelle@sparkacademynh.org |
441 | Northeast Woodland Chartered Public School | Sarah Arnold | 207-251-1621 | saraharnold@northeastwoodland.org |
450 | Gathering Waters Charter School | Fiona Laurie | 603-733-8968 | fiona.laurie@gatheringwaterscharter.org |
451 | Heartwood Public Charter School | Bethany Bond | 603-696-1856 | hello@heartwoodeducation.org |
453 | Lionheart Classical Academy Chartered Public School | Leah Seymour | 603-602-1560 | LSeymour@LionheartClassical.org |
454 | River View Chartered Public School | Cathy Pellerin | 603-372-7600 | cpellerin@riverviewcps.org |
455 | Benjamin Franklin Academy Chartered Public School | BryanT Murphy | 603-325-7688 | bmurphy@benjaminfranklin.academy |
510 | Children’s Scholarship Fund | Kate Baker Demers | | kbaker@scholarshipfund.org |