School Year:
School Safety Planning Includes |
| Y | Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan adopted by School Board and reviewed annually |
| Y | Monthly fire and emergency response drills and annual bus evacuation drills |
Policies Include |
| Y | Written policy for the reporting of suspected abuse or neglect |
| Y | Written policies for all of the following: student behavior, wellness, discrimination, truancy, violence, and weapons |
| Y | Written policies prohibiting harassment or bullying (including cyber-bullying) |
| Y | Written policy relative to character and citizenship development |
Security Procedures Include |
| 0.0 | Resource Officer Scheduled Hours |
| Y | Criminal checks on all volunteers who work with children |
Restraining Students (per RSA 126U) |
| 0 | Number of restraints conducted this year |
School Safety-Related Incidents |
| 0 | Number of bomb threats received |
Title IX |
Number of incidents of racial harassment |
| 0 | Student to student |
| 0 | Adult to student |
| 0 | Adult to adult |
| 0 | Student to adult |
Title IX complaints |
| 0 | Number of Title IX complaints reported |
Number by primary reason(s) for Title IX complaint |
| 0 | Athletics |
| 0 | Counseling |
| 0 | Course offerings and access |
| 0 | Educational programs and activitie |
| 0 | Employment assistance |
| 0 | Facilities |
| 0 | Health and insurance benefits and services |
| 0 | Marital and parental status discrimination |
| 0 | Sexual harassment |
Number of sexual harassment complaints by type of interaction |
| 0 | Student to student |
| 0 | Adult to student |
| 0 | Adult to adult |
| 0 | Student to adult |
Number of INCIDENTS of harassment |
| 0 | On the basis of gender |
| 0 | On the basis of sexual orientation |
| 0 | On the basis of race, color, or national origin |
| 0 | On the basis of disability |
| 0 | On the basis of physical characteristics (other than race) |
Number of STUDENTS harassed |
| 0 | On the basis of gender |
| 0 | On the basis of sexual orientation |
| 0 | On the basis of race, color, or national origin |
| 0 | On the basis of disability |
| 0 | On the basis of physical characteristics (other than race) |
Number of STUDENTS disciplined for harassment |
| 0 | On the basis of gender |
| 0 | On the basis of sexual orientation |
| 0 | On the basis of race, color, or national origin |
| 0 | On the basis of disability |
| 0 | On the basis of physical characteristics (other than race) |
Bullying per RSA 193 F Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention |
| 0 | Incidents of bullying reported |
| 0 | Incidents of cyber bullying reported |
| 0 | Incidents investigated of actual bullying |
| 0 | Incidents investigated of actual cyber bullying |
| 0 | Bullying incidents based on gender |
| 0 | Bullying incidents based on sexual orientation |
| 0 | Bullying incidents based on race, color, or national origin |
| 0 | Bullying incidents based on disability |
| 0 | Bullying incidents based on physical characteristics |
| 0 | Bullying incidents based on any other basis |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that were a single significant event |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that were a pattern of deliberate harmful events |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that included physical harm |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that included property damage |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that used social/emotional alienation |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that intefered with educational opportunities |
| 0 | Bullying incidents that disrupted school operations |
Truancy (per RSA 189) |
| 0 | Number of students habitually truant |
Student Discipline and Truancy |
Number of INCIDENTS resulting in suspensions or expulsions for at least 1 full day |
| 0 | Violent Incident with physical injury |
| 0 | Violent Incident without physical injury |
| 0 | Weapons Possession (no injury) |
| 0 | Illicit Drugs |
| 0 | Alcohol |
| 1 | Other |
Number of STUDENTS who received suspensions or expulsions for at least 1 full day (sum of all grades by type of incident) |
In-School Suspensions | Out-of-School Suspensions | Expulsions | |
0 | | 0 | Alcohol |
0 | | 0 | Other drugs |
0 | | 0 | Weapons, other than firearms |
0 | | 0 | Violent offenses against persons |
0 | | 0 | Violent offenses against property |
0 | 1 | 0 | Other |
Guns Free Schools Act of 1994 |
Number of firearm incidents by type of firearm |
| 0 | Handguns |
| 0 | Rifles/Shotguns |
| 0 | More than one type of weapon or firearm |
| 0 | Other |
Possession of a Firearm |
Grade | Incidents | Type of Firearm | Student Identified as Disabled | Disciplinary Action Taken |
No Incidents Reported |
Persistently Dangerous Schools |
| 0 | Number of homicides |
| 0 | Number of first or second degree assaults |
| 0 | Number of aggravated felonious sexual assaults |
| 0 | Number of arsons |
| 0 | Number of robberies (armed, violent or threatening) |
| 0 | Number of firearms possession or sale |