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Amherst Street School
Bicentennial Elementary School
Birch Hill Elementary School
Broad Street Elementary School
Charlotte Ave Elementary School
Dr. Norman W. Crisp School
Elm Street Middle School
Fairgrounds Elementary School
Fairgrounds Middle School
Ledge Street School
Main Dunstable School
Mt. Pleasant School
Nashua High School North
Nashua High School South
Nashua Title I Preschool
New Searles School
Pennichuck Middle School
Sunset Heights School

Career and Technical Education Centers
Nashua Technology Center


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General Information
Hillsborough County District: Nashua (371) SAU: Nashua SAU Office (42)
Address: 141 Ledge St., Nashua, NH 03061-0687 Telephone:
NCES District ID: 3304980 Fax:
Senior Education Official: Mario Andrade Web Site:
District Report Card 2016-17
 October 1 EnrollmentAverage Class Size
Grade 181912,3781817
Grade 283812,8851918
Grade 390013,3092119
Grade 487813,6122019
Grade 587913,7182120
Grade 677713,722020
Grade 781714,102021
Grade 875514,075021
Grade 91,03615,139  
Grade 1090514,292  
Grade 1180213,785  
Grade 1277613,338  
Total Enrollment11132179,737  
School Safety
School Safety Incidences161,073
Total Number of Incidents6756,825
No. of Incidents/1,000 students6138

Attendance/Four-Year Graduation Rate
PreSchool Attendance Rate93.589.8
Elem/Middle Attendance Rate (Target: 90%)94.795.1
High School Four-Year Graduation Rate (Target: 90%)089

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Teacher Quality

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School Staff
Instructional Support3986,980
Admin Support641,247
All Other Support1863,241

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State and Federal Accountability

Student Achievement Trends
N is the number of students participating.
% is the percent of students scoring proficient or above.
Click on a grade to show the achievement trend for that grade.
Note: Grade 11 results are from the new SAT assessment tests and not comparable to 2014-2015
Achievement Trend
GradeContent Area2015-20162016-2017
3Reading 8174886147
Mathematics 8285086952
4Reading 8345583448
Mathematics 8484884545
5Reading 8265883855
Mathematics 8334084741
6Reading 7645271745
Mathematics 7694073132
7Reading 6885972552
Mathematics 6994373239
8Reading 7785169046
Mathematics 7893670131
11Reading 7275869160
Mathematics 7282769335
NECAP and NH Alternative Assessment Science Results 2016-17
Student Assessment
* indicates total number of test takers is 10 or less.
Blank indicates no science assessment test administered.
Achievement Level (%)Science
Substantially Below Proficient (%) 26 18
Partially Proficient (%) 42 46
Proficient (%) 31 35
Proficient with Distinction (%) 1 2
Longitudinal Reports and Subgroup Reporting
Percent of students at each achievement level Math Reading Science  

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Student Achievement Data-Percent of NH Students At or Above Each Achievement Level (Based on the Winter 2015 NAEP Assessment)
NAEP achievement levels are indicated as follows: B+ for Basic or above, P+ for Proficient or above, and A for Advanced
New Hampshire Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street | Concord, NH | 03301-3494
Telephone: (603) 271-3494 | TDD Access: Relay NH 711
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