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Bud Carlson Academy
Chamberlain Street School
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Maple Street Magnet School
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Nancy Loud School
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William Allen School

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School:Maple Street Magnet School

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General Information
Strafford County School: Maple Street Magnet School (29080) NCES School ID: 00709
District: Rochester (461) NCES District ID: 3305940
SAU: Rochester SAU Office (54) School Web Site:
Superintendent: Anna Azarloza SAU Telephone: 603-332-3678
Principal: Erin Mahoney School Telephone: 603-332-6481
Address: 27 Maple Street, Rochester, NH 03867-2209 School Fax: 603-335-7367
School Open Date: 7/1/2012School Close Date:
School Type: Public School Grades Offered: K 1-5
Federal Accountability Status: None Assigned  NH Adequacy Status Met: N/A 
School Report Card 2016-17
 October 1 EnrollmentAverage Class Size
Grade 12028212,378201817
Grade 22033012,885201918
Grade 32028213,309201819
Grade 41930913,612191919
Grade 51833413,718182020
Grade 6030213,7220020
Grade 7027714,1020021
Grade 8030914,0750021
Grade 9039515,139   
Grade 10037614,292   
Grade 11035613,785   
Grade 12030613,338   
Total Enrollment1174,252179,737   
School Safety
School Safety Incidences081,073
Total Number of Incidents23076,825
No. of Incidents/1,000 students177238

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Attendance/Four-Year Graduation Rate
PreSchool Attendance Rate89.8
Elem/Middle Attendance Rate (Target: 90%)96.495.195.1
High School Four-Year Graduation Rate (Target: 90%)8289

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Teacher Quality

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School Staff
Instructional Support51576,980
Admin Support1301,247
All Other Support2683,241

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State and Federal Accountability

Student Achievement Trends
N is the number of students participating.
% is the percent of students scoring proficient or above.
Click on a grade to show the achievement trend for that grade.
Note: Grade 11 results are from the new SAT assessment tests and not comparable to 2014-2015
Achievement Trend
GradeContent Area2015-20162016-2017
3Reading 20901968
Mathematics 20951968
4Reading 18561953
Mathematics 18671963
5Reading 17761753
Mathematics 17881782
NECAP and NH Alternative Assessment Science Results 2016-17
Student Assessment
* indicates total number of test takers is 10 or less.
Blank indicates no science assessment test administered.
Achievement Level (%)Science
Substantially Below Proficient (%) 0 6 18
Partially Proficient (%) 74 60 46
Proficient (%) 0 10 35
Proficient with Distinction (%) 26 24 2
Longitudinal Reports and Subgroup Reporting
Percent of students at each achievement level Math Reading Science  

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Student Achievement Data-Percent of NH Students At or Above Each Achievement Level (Based on the Winter 2015 NAEP Assessment)
NAEP achievement levels are indicated as follows: B+ for Basic or above, P+ for Proficient or above, and A for Advanced
New Hampshire Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street | Concord, NH | 03301-3494
Telephone: (603) 271-3494 | TDD Access: Relay NH 711
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