iPlatform Public Reports
Reports on student counts, racial statistics, teacher counts, school building information, financial data on the school districts in the form of budgets and financial statements.
School Directory Information
District and School Calendars
A schedule of district calendars which have been approved by the local school board is reported. State summaries of the number of districts observing various holidays and vacation schedules are reported.
Schools and SAU Information
Current information for all Schools and School Administrative Units in the State of New Hampshire including addresses, telephone numbers, administrator names and email addresses.
Reports: SAU List, School List, District/Town Cross Reference, Superintendent List, BusinessAdminList, Non Public Schools by Town, RaceCodes, High School/Town Cross Reference, Asst. Superintendent List, Non Public Schools by Name
Enrollment Data
Enrollment Reports Data on SAU and district enrollments.
Reports: ADM In Attendance and Residence, District Fall Enrollment, School Administrative Unit Enrollments -
Enrollments by Grade Data on school enrollments by Grade.
Reports: County Enrollments by Grade, High School Enrollments, Kindergarten Enrollments, Preschool Enrollments, Public School Enrollments by Grade, Town Enrollment By Grade -
Home Education and NonPublic Enrollments Data on school enrollments and class sizes, including geographic and demographic breakdowns.
Reports: Home Education Enrollments By District, Home Education Fall Enrollments Ten Years, NonPublic School Enrollments by Grade -
State Totals State Totals on School Enrollments
Reports: State Totals Ten Years Public and Private Fall Enrollments
Financial Data
Federal Aid
Financial Reports
Cost Per Pupil and Estimated Expenditures of School Districts
Staff Salary Reports
Superintendents, Administration and Teacher Salaries reports
Reports: Administration Salary, Principal Salary by School, Teacher Average Salary, Teacher Minimum Starting Salary, Teacher Salary Schedule -
Adequate Education Aid
Data on Adequate Education Grants 2004-present
Other State Aid Programs
Building Aid Distribution; Allocation for Special Education ADM; Catastrophic Aid; Charter School Aid; Kindergarten Aid; Tuition and Transportation Aid
Demographic Data
Free and Reduced School Lunch Eligibility Data on Free and Reduced Lunch Program programs.
Reports: Free Reduced K-12 School Lunch Eligibility Rates by School, Free Reduced PRE-School Lunch Eligibility Rates by School -
Enrollments - Demographic Categories Demographic Data Breakdowns
Reports: Limited English Proficiency Enrollment, Race - Ethnic Enrollments
Performance Data
The results of the state assessment are summarized for each school and each grade.
Attendance Data on school attendance rates.
Reports: Attendance Rate By District -
Non-Statewide Assessment (SAT) College Board Reports
These reports include all administrations of the SAT (Saturday and SAT School Day) for NH public high school graduates who took the SAT during high school. If a student took the SAT more than once, the most recent score and self-reported SAT questionnaire responses are summarized.
Dropouts and Completers Dropout data, graduation rates, and completers - where do they go.
Reports: Cohort Counts By School, Completers By Category, Completers By Status By County, Completers By Status By School, Early Exit and Dropout Rates for Grades 9 - 12 (2019 and before only), Early Exit and Dropout Rates for Grades 9 - 12 (2020 or later) -
iPlatform 2018-current
New Hampshire's school data transparency portal.
Historic Data 2017 and Prior
New Hampshire's school data transparency portal.
Environment Data
Average Class Size Average Class Size
Reports: Average Class Size By District, Average Class Size By School -
Staff Reports District Staffing Reports
Reports: Full Time Equivalent Staff Count by District, Student Teacher Ratio by District, Teacher Attainment -
NH Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors six categories of priority health-risk behaviors among youth and young adults including behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence; tobacco use; alcohol and other drug use; sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection; unhealthy dietary behaviors; and physical inactivity.
NH Health Education Profile
The School Health Profiles assists state and local education and health agencies in monitoring and assessing characteristics of school health education; physical education and physical activity; practices related to bullying and sexual harassment; school health policies related to tobacco-use prevention and nutrition; school-based health services; family engagement and community involvement; and school health coordination. Data from Profiles can be used to improve school health programs.
School Safety Data
The School Safety Data Collection is completed by the school principal or designee and certified by the superintendent at the end of each school year. It includes data concerning restraints and seclusions, harassment, bullying, student discipline, school safety and truancy. The data is used for state and federal reporting and is required under the following RSAs: 126-U, 193-F, 193:13; 193-E:3, 193:13,V, 193-G:1, 189:35-a, and 193-E:3 as well as through Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Gun Free Schools Act of 1994.