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School:Timberlane Regional Middle School

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General Information
Rockingham County School: Timberlane Regional Middle School (22760) NCES School ID: 00440
District: Timberlane Regional (534) NCES District ID: 3306720
SAU: Timberlane Regional SAU Office (106) School Web Site:
Senior Education Official: Justin Krieger SAU Telephone: 603-382-6119
Admin Principal: Mitchell Mencis School Telephone: 603-382-7131
Address: 44 Greenough Rd., Plaistow, NH 03865-2798 School Fax: 603-382-2781
School Open Date: School Close Date:
School Type: Public School Grades Offered: 6-8
Federal Accountability Status: None Assigned  NH Adequacy Status Met: Yes 
School Report Card 2013-14
 October 1 EnrollmentAverage Class Size
Grade 1026513,46101818
Grade 2024113,51001918
Grade 3025713,54601819
Grade 4026613,92501920
Grade 5029413,92002020
Grade 631831814,224212121
Grade 728528514,328181822
Grade 833133114,612212122
Grade 9030415,646   
Grade 10033214,953   
Grade 11035714,159   
Grade 12035013,962   
Total Enrollment9343,922185,320   
School Safety
School Safety Incidences318775
Total Number of Incidents36807,209
No. of Incidents/1,000 students392039

[View Safety Survey]

Attendance/Four-Year Graduation Rate
PreSchool Attendance Rate92.6
Elem/Middle Attendance Rate (Target: 90%)9696.195.5
High School Four-Year Graduation Rate (Target: 90%)95.588.7

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Teacher Quality
Core Classes Taught by non-HQT00.050.522754.3
Core Classes Taught by non-HQT in High-Poverty Schools N/A N/A 0.9
Core Classes Taught by non-HQT in Low-Poverty Schools 0.0 0.5 1.4
Employed Under Emergency CredentialsN/AN/AN/AN/A10.01
Bachelor's Degree N/C 36.8 42.2
Master's Degree N/C 62.3 56.5
Degree beyond Master's Degree N/C 0.9 1.0

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School Staff
Instructional Support281556,999
Admin Support9321,248
All Other Support17833,627

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State and Federal Accountability
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)
SubjectStudent GroupStatus
READINGWhole School Category 3
READINGWhite Category 3
READINGWaiver - Students with Disabilities only Category 2
READINGWaiver - Economically Disadvantaged only Category 3
READINGWaiver - Students with Disabilities & Economically Disadvantaged Category 3
MATHWhole School Category 2
MATHWhite Category 2
MATHWaiver - Students with Disabilities only Category 2
MATHWaiver - Economically Disadvantaged only Category 3
MATHWaiver - Students with Disabilities & Economically Disadvantaged Category 1
Status Codes
Category 1Actual Index Score is Equal to or Greater than 2013/14 Target
Category 2Actual Index Score is Greater than previous year's score and falls within the Risk Corridor/ Confidence Interval Range
Category 3Actual Index Score is Less than previous year's score and falls within the Risk Corridor/ Confidence Interval Range
Category 4Actual Index Score is Less than previous year's score and falls below the Risk Corridor/ Confidence Interval Range
Cell sizeStudent group size is less than 11

New Hampshire School Adequacy Summary
Met Input-Based Accountability System (IBAS): No
Met Performance-Based School Accountability System (PBAS): Yes
Performance Score: 2.9
Provides Opportunity for an Adequate Education: Yes

Assessment Rankings
Ranking School TypeSubjectNbr. of StudentsIndex Score and Std ErrorIndex Score RankingNo. of Students Prior YearPrior Year Index Score and Std ErrorIndex Score ImprovementIndex Score Improvement Ranking
Elem/MiddleMath60087197 of 36265586.20.874 of 360
Elem/MiddleRead60293153 of 36265593.5-0.5149 of 360
Elem/MiddleWrite32485.4176 of 32032687.4-2176 of 316
Student Assessment
* indicates total number of test takers is 10 or less.
Blank indicates no science assessment test administered.
Achievement Level (%)ReadingMathematicsWritingScience
Substantially Below Proficient (%)457131417758191818
Partially Proficient (%)161516171918373234514848
Proficient (%)625853454543535247293232
Proficient with Distinction (%)172223262121299111
Testing Participation (%)1009999100999910099981009999
NECAP Longitudinal Reports
1) NECAP Teaching Year District Tested at Grade Comparison Reading and Math
2) NECAP Teaching Year District "Cohort" History Comparison Reading and Math
3) NECAP Teaching Year District vs. State by Tested at Grade Math Reading   
4) NECAP Teaching Year District vs. State by "Cohort" History Math Reading   
5) NECAP Teaching Year District GAP Analysis by Tested at Grade Math Reading   
6) NECAP and NH ALPs Teaching Year Average Index Score and GAP analysis Math Reading Science Writing
7) NECAP and NH ALPs Teaching Year Percent of students at each index level Math Reading Science Writing
8) NECAP and NH ALPs Teaching Year Median Student Growth Percentile (SGP) and GAP analysis Math Reading   
9) NECAP and NH ALPs Teaching Year Percent of students at each Student Growth Percentile (SGP) Grouping Math Reading   
Student Achievement Trends
N is the number of students participating.
% is the percent of students scoring proficient or above.
Click on a grade to show the achievement trend for that grade.
Achievement Trend
GradeContent Area2009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Student Achievement Data-Percent of NH Students At or Above Each Achievement Level (Based on the Winter 2013 NAEP Assessment)
NAEP achievement levels are indicated as follows: B+ for Basic or above, P+ for Proficient or above, and A for Advanced
New Hampshire Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street | Concord, NH | 03301-3494
Telephone: (603) 271-3494 | TDD Access: Relay NH 711
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